Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Maiden Voyage - My First Blog Post

As a part of my 2013 New Year's Resolution, apart from getting in better shape, eating healthier, reading more, I have resolved to create a blog and post on it, at least, once a week. Its been a long overdue decision, and I have finally chosen to do so for the following reasons: 

1.) I am a firm-believer that writing is just a plain, good, professional discipline and it will make you a better <fill in the blank>. Since, I want to better my craft and myself, I am writing this as much for me as I am for anyone else; 

2.) I have always believed that "if you take a penny, you leave a penny." In other words, if I am going to take advantage of the ideas of others, I should also provide a few of my own, because no one likes a mooch. Hopefully, my ideas contribute to the lives of people, as some blogs have contributed to my life;

3.) I am blessed with an interesting, often fulfilling, complicated job to raise cash for an international humanitarian organization. I am paid to bring together the very rich with the very poor in a way that often provides value to both. I negotiate deals (big and small), build partnerships (big and small), and fight battles (big and small). Like most of us, I work with some titans, some saints, some characters and some real jackasses. And, I am able to travel to a number of wild places not easy to find on most maps - All of which enables me to live a great adventure, involving a rich mixture of people, places and experiences;

4.) I am blessed to have friends, confederates, and colleagues who believe in me and have long encouraged me to share my thoughts and experiences, online, as I have done in conference presentations and other venues.

5.) I wanted to do something different and see where it takes me. 

To conclude this introductory post, let me just say that I appreciate anyone who reads any of my blog posts, as I know that that your time is valuable and you have multitude of other good things that you could spend your time on. Of course, I also invite and would greatly appreciate any constructive input that anyone has to offer. 

I wish you a very Happy and Prosperous New Year! More to come....


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